Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Father of Learning is Repetition

The key in any female encounter is to think and act positively no matter what approach you take.  If you establish a conversation thinking you'll be shut down, you'll be shut down.  Positivity and confidence radiates and glows -- it is unavoidable and can't be ignored.

Many men are under the impression that the fellows around them can walk straight up to a woman in any environment and initiate a conversation.  For some, this is true; but for most, it is not.  It may appear that way, but only because these men are experienced in a style of communicating previously coined as "bullshit" as well as acquired knowledge in how to use external factors and the agents around them to propel the conversation into a perpetuated state.  

Be prepared! Don't go into a conversation blind.  Pre-meditation is OK; don't let your ego get the best of you.  Would you go into a Quantum Physics exam without any preparation? No, you wouldn't.  And I use Quantum Physics as an example because women are merely as complicated.

You'll know within the first fifteen seconds of the conversation whether chemistry is a possibility between both parties.  Like I've stated in previous posts, there are plenty of fish in the sea and you can't expect to find common ground and mutual attraction, physically and emotionally, with every woman you are introduced to (Although many of us find that hard to accept).

In other news, Spring weather is right around the corner -- I hope you have been in the gym all Winter so tossing the pigskin shirtless isn't a total embarrassment for you and the community.


Monday, March 14, 2011

Ego vs. Efficiency

Conflict is inevitable among individuals in a relationship or during the strenuous stages of attempting one.  Naturally, as the dominating counterpart in this duo, you may often feel compelled to constantly keep the ball in your court, for whatever reason.  Do so, but only in a way that won't overwhelm her.  

It's very difficult sometimes to bite your tongue and agree with her logic, or lack thereof.  In the end, your relentlessness will have been pointless.  You'll have a headache and a bigger problem -- We all know how woman like to blow miniscule bumps into out-of-proportion mountains.

Save yourself the issue.  Rely on your good conscious often during times like these.  Getting the last word in and giving her that last stab to try and get your point across has gone through one ear, torn through your weekend sexual agenda, and out the other.

Not only will taping your ego's mouth closed make your time together more peaceful, but it will teach you a thing or two about yourself and how you can apply these little tricks to other aspects of your relationship(s).

Be well,

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Don't Settle

Few things bother me, but as an individual offering advice of this particular nature, it irks me when people settle for a relationship for the sole purpose of being in one.  This furthermore segues into the inevitable and more importantly premature "I Love You."  Spare me, and who is infinitely more important, her.  Until you meet a woman that treats and cares for you like your Mother does, and vice versa, there is a limited chance she loves you or you love her.

The point here gentleman is to WAIT.  Stop catching minnows here and there.  Let your line settle and reel in the big fish when she's opportune.  Nonetheless, settling for a mate will overlap into other aspects of your life, in which you may settle for something less than what you're capable of achieving or deserving of.

You want the right kind of experience in earlier relationships in life so that when a long-term one comes along, YOU'RE READY -- A metaphor may be helpful:

Are you going to work jobs and internships irrelevant to your aspiring field of occupation? No.  You're going to work similar jobs so that when the long-term offer comes along, your experience is useful, applicable, and relevant.  The nature of relationships are very alike in this manner.

Think about it,

Friday, February 25, 2011

First Impressions


You have no idea what a particular woman finds attractive in a particular situation, so plain and simple: Don't Be Stupid!  No matter who you are or who you think you are, approach a woman at first calmly and curiously.  Follow her non-verbal cues; watch her eyes and her body language.  These vibes will provide you with useful ammunition when the verbal encounter occurs.

Some women like ass holes, some gentleman, some both.  If you are at a bar (probably the worst place to meet a girl), do not immediately offer to buy her drink. Why? Because that's what every guy does and if you're trying to make her think "Wow this Johnny Bar-tab might be different than the rest," you need to neglect the norm.

You must act both mysterious and welcoming simultaneously.  You don't want to bore her with your life story and at the same time you don't want to fully ignore an interesting conversation by trying to be overly suave and cocky.

Find the happy medium that fits your personality and your direction.  Don't be upset if you're rejected or turned down.  Maybe there is no common ground or chemistry.  It's okay, there are plenty of fish in the sea or in your particular case: sluts in the bar; sorostitutes at the frat house; MILFs on the beach.

You must look at all situations positively and know that what you have to offer can and will be found interesting by many available women.

Make an impression, but make it a good one.

Good luck!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Follow Your Influences

Johnny Depp in Blow? James Bond in Goldeneye? Brad Pitt in Fight Club? George Clooney in Ocean's 11?  

Every one of us have had the glorified 'wannabe' moment watching certain films.  Seeing every chick on the beach turn her head to George Jung ... watching Danny Ocean womanize with an unmistakable swagger while pulling off a merely impossible theft (top 5 movies of all time).  

We all sometimes wish we had the wit or the game to pull off certain stunts with woman.  Albert Einstein was not only a genius in mathematics and sciences; he astutely offered incredible words of wisdom -- "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."  Write that down, and this is why ...

Whether you're looking for casual sex or a relationship, its OKAY to follow your influences.  And by follow your influences, pulling and using lines from movies falls under that category.  I've executed this successfully on numerous occasions in a one-on-one female encounter.  Just make sure you put your own twist on it.  Getting called out for this is a recipe for immediate denial in any circumstance.

Go out and try it.  Success or failure, I want to hear your stories!

All the best,

... Further useful research: Hitch starring Will Smith

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Good Evening My Fellow Men,

Let me begin by clearly stating that my intentions here are not to demean women and further prove why the male species reign supreme ;)  Male narcissism is of no interest to me.  I am here to supply you with useful insight and a gold plated key that unlocks the brain, the heart, and the inevitable and eventual low-cut denims of the sacred and holy: female.

I won't bore you with a personal background of what qualifies me to support such information.  I will let my posts speak for themselves.  

Beware that you will read information all over the female spectrum.  This is not just to get you laid, although for many of you it will.  My overall goal is to help you further understand what women really want in a man and what they expect out of us, without necessarily compromising your ego and general stature.

Whether you are a frat star, lax douche, book worm, fly on the wall, or gentleman, you have at one point or another botched bringing home that dime piece from the bar -- or couldn't clearly and effectively confess your unspoken love to your best girl friend of 10 years.  Failure in these situations can range from such simple mistakes like bad breath or poor eye contact to some larger, deep-rooted personal issues like a little thing I like to call excessive asshole-ism.  You must take into consideration that not all women think the same.  Therefore, there isn't one algorithm to pop the lid of understanding them.

No man closes 100% of the time, but like Brian Fantana's Sex Panther cologne, 60% of the time, my advise works every time. (If you are confused by that reference, please gently remove your tampon and log off my blog)

Cheers to our growing relationship,